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Resources Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 8 months ago

A resource is any object that is used to support your business and must be reserved (much like an employee) to perform a service at a scheduled time. The purpose of the Resources feature is to allow you to schedule and track the use of your resources in the Appointment Book feature.

Examples of resources include:

  • Rooms

  • Tables

  • Other machines or equipment used to perform services

The Resources screen is where you add, edit, and delete resources. To access the Resources screen, click Edit Resources in the Employees pull-down menu or click the Resources button on the button toolbar.

Add or Edit a Resource

  1. Click Add Resource to create a new Resource, or click the Edit Resource button or double-click on a resource in the list to select a resource to edit.

  2. The Add/Edit Resource screen will appear. It has four different sections:

    1. General: Add/Edit general information relating to the resource.

      • Resource ID: this is the ID number associated with the resource. This value cannot be changed.

      • Name: a way to easily identify the resource.

      • Max Occupancy: the maximum number of concurrent appointments that can be booked for this resource.

      • Comment: any general notes to associate with this resource.

    2. Linked Services: The services that require the use of this resource and are shown as booked on the Appointment Book​ for this resource, up to its Max Occupancy. To link a service to resource, please take the following steps:

      1. Click Add Service Link. The Service Look Up screen will appear.

      2. Select the Service that you would like to link to this resource, and click OK.

      3. Repeat this process for each service that you would like to link to this resource.

    3. Contact Information: shows contact information for the person in charge of maintaining this resource (if applicable).

    4. Display Options: control how the resource is displayed in various screens of the software.

      • Show resource when using the Ticket Search feature: When searching for a service, this allows you to only show services that are linked to a specific resource.

      • Show resource on the Scheduling screen: displays the resource when modifying items on the Scheduling Screen.

      • Show resource on the Appointment Book: displays the resource as a column on the Appointment Book.

Managing Resources
Scheduling a Resource to be used on an open ticket: your software has the ability to reserve a time slot for the use of a resource that is required to perform a service. For example, Haircut may require the use of Room 1 to be performed. To schedule a resource to be used, perform the following steps:

  1. First, you should link all resources to services that require use of a resource. If you have already done this, skip to Step 2. To do this, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the Services screen, edit the service, and click the Linked Resources tab.

    2. The Available Resources section will display all resources that you have entered. If no resources are shown, exit out of the services screen, go to the Resources screen and create your resources.

    3. Click on the resource to link to this service and click the Add button. The resources will now be shown in the Linked Resources section. For example, you may want to link Full Color to Resource 1. If you have more than one resource that can be used to perform Full Color, you can link the service to those here as well.

    4. If you have more than one resource selected in the Linked Resources section, you have two options for scheduling the resource:

      • Auto-populate resource based on availability: the software will look at the schedule of the first resource in the Linked Resources section and if the first resource's schedule is busy, it will look at the 2nd resource, 3rd resource, etc. until an opening is found.

      • Prompt me for which resource to use based on availability: the software will look at the schedules of all the resources listed to the Linked Resources section and prompt you to select the resource to use.

      • Click Save when finished linking the resources to the service.

  2. To see how your selected options work when scheduling, add a ticket as you normally would. On the Ticket Information screen, add the service that you wish to schedule.

  3. When you add a service that has a resource linked to it, the software will automatically add the linked resource to the ticket according to the options you selected above in Step 1, part d. Click the Manage Resources button to display the resource information pertinent to the scheduled service..

  4. Continue to schedule the ticket as you normally would.

Creating Schedules for your Resources: it's important that you create schedules for your resources just as you do for employees. We recommend creating working hours for all the dates and times your resources are available for booking appointments. The process for doing this is exactly the same as for employees.

  1. Click the Schedule icon at the top of your software.

  2. Double-click on the square next to the resource and under the date that you would like to modify.

  3. Select if the resource will be working or not in the upper left. If you choose that the resource will be unavailable that day, you can also choose a reason as well.

  4. To enter the hours an resource will work, enter the the start and end times in the boxes in the bottom right, and then click the Add button.

  5. If a resource has scheduled downtime in the middle of the day, you can include that by entering multiple start and end times for the first and second halves of the day when the resource will be available.

  6. To copy this schedule to other days, you can click the Set Up Recurring Dates button and check the days of the week that this schedule applies to, and select the end date to indicate how far from the start date you want to copy this schedule.

  7. When you are done, click the Save button in the lower right.

  8. Your resource will have red time blocks on the appointment book when it is not scheduled to work and the column will be white when it is available.

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